
Option: -I, --Init=[all/ID]
Descritption: Initializes the UMLs. Optionaly start a specific UML using the UMLs' ID. Will also bring up the network if it is down.
Screenshot: thumbs/init.png

Option: -H, --Halt=[all/ID]
Descritption: Halt the UMLs. Optionally halt a specific UML using the UMLs' ID.
Screenshot: thumbs/halt.png

Option: -R, --Restart=[all/ID]
Descritption: Restart the UMLs. Optionaly restart a specific UML using the UMLs' ID.
Screenshot: thumbs/restart.png

Option: -C, --Config=FILE
Descritption: Use the specified config file instead.
Screenshot: None.

Option: -i, --info=[all/ID]
Descritption: Prints out detailed information of the UMLs. Optionally prints out information of a specific UML using the UMLs' ID.
Screenshot: thumbs/info.png

Option: -r, --remove=[ID]
Descritption: Interactively removes a UML instance completely.
Screenshot: thumbs/remove.png

Option: -f, --force
Descritption: Forces an interactive option to become uninteractive. For example: '-fr ID' or '--remove=ID --force' will remove the UML without any confirmation (interaction) from the user. The interactive options include: --halt, --restart and --remove.
Screenshot: thumbs/forced.png

Option: -a, --add=[ID,HOSTNAME,TEMPLATE]
Descritption: Adds a uml instance. If only ID is specified, then the default template will be used and the ID will be prepended to the hosts' hostname. It can be overriden by explicitly specifying the hostname and/or the template to use. The UML will be assigned the next available IP address in dhcpd.conf and dhcpd.conf will be updated accordingly. A MAC address will be generated using the UMLs' ID.
Screenshot: thumbs/add.png

Option: -e, --enable=[all/ID]
Descritption: Enables the disabled UMLs. Optionally enables a specific UML using the UMLs' ID.
Screenshot: thumbs/enable.png

Option: -d, --disable=[all/ID]
Descritption: Disables the UMLs. Optionally disable's a specific UML using the UMLs' ID
Screenshot: thumbs/disable.png

Option: -s, --state=[all/ID]
Descritption: Prints out the state of the UMLs. Optionally print the state of a specific UML using the UMLs' ID.
Screenshot: thumbs/state.png

Option: -n, --network=[up/down]
Descritption: Bring the network and the configured devices up or down.
Screenshot: None.

Option: -u, --update
Descritption: Update the umvs_spec.xml file. This needs to be called whenever any changes were made to dhcpd.conf. By specifying any other option will automatically update the spec file as well.
Screenshot: None.

Option: -c, --connect=[ID,UID]
Descritption: Connect to the specific UML using ssh. If UID is not specified, then root will be used, for example: 'umvs -c www,apache' will connect to the UML with the ID 'www' as user 'apache'.
Screenshot: thumbs/connect.png

Option: -g, --macAddress=[ID]
Descritption: Generate a MAC address using the specified ID.
Screenshot: thumbs/mac.png

Option: -v, --version
Descritption: Prints the version number and exit.
Screenshot: None.

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